Thursday 28 February 2013

Week Five - New Brief, Rock Climbing (28/02/13)

In today's session, we started off speaking about the use of music in a film. Some of the information that we were given included:
  • Always take time to listen to the music to make sure that it fits the scene
  • Music can help with the pacing of the film
  • It doesn't matter if you like the music or not, if it works with the piece, put it in
  • Actively listen to music everyday, learn which type of music works with which scenes and the mood/tone of the films
  • Music should be used in our next project, which is a documentary about a rock climber, and we should give the audience time to listen to the music
After that, we were introduced to the new brief, which is to create a documentary using the footage provided about a rock climber. Below I have include the brief we were given.

Once I had been given the brief, I was also given a rough cut of the documentary which was just over 8 minutes long, to use as a rough cut for our documentary. I reconnected the media which had gone offline and then also imported all of the footage that had been imported from the tapes and started to rename the footage. 

We were also given the original tapes with all of the footage on them to look through and see if there was any footage that hadn't been captured for us to use. Myself and Rhys Holland went through all of the tapes together quickly and couldn't find anything that wasn't already imported. I decided that I would go through all of the footage we had already been given myself and then look through the tapes properly once I had done that so it would be easier to notice if there was anything that I had missed.

Just before the end of the lesson we were given some questions to research into that we should included in our blog, these questions were:
  • What is H.264?
  • Watching something with the sound off?
  • Who is David Lean?

Overall, I thought the session was very good and I am looking forward to getting the new brief underway and start the editing of it. 

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