Saturday 23 March 2013

The Films of Joseph Losey

Joseph Losey was born on 14th January 1909 and was an American theatre and film director. He studied in Germany in Bertolt Brecht and then returned in the United States and eventually made his way to Hollywood. In the 1950s, he was blacklisted in the United States and then he moved to Europe where he made the rest of his films, mainly in the United Kingdom.

Some of his most well known films include:

  • The Servant (1963)
  • Accident (1967)
  • The Go-Between (1970)
I was able to watch the opening scene of The Go-Between and I thought that it was shot very well. I liked the way that the window with water on it in the background was scrolling whist the credits were playing. This added movement to the opening, keeping it interesting but not taking the focus of the credits that were on screen at the time.

I also liked the wide establishing shot of the large house straight after the credits had finished. This told me that the action was going to be taking place in the house and then straight after that shot we cut to a shot of two boys on a horse and carriage heading towards the house and then entering it, showing us the interior of the house. The size of the house told me that the boy's family was wealthy and their excited told me that they possibly don't visit the house very often.

Overall, I thought that the opening sequence was very effective, clearly establishing the scene in very few shots.

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